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Welcome Volunteers and Advocates!

Decision Professional Phil Beccue enjoyed teaching Decision Quality to international high school students in Stanford University's Pre-Collegiate Program.

Math teacher Bob Loew brought a Decision Skills short course into his classroom and witnessed his students benefitting from the experience.
Contact us!Volunteers help with training students directly, introducing DEF within schools and after school programs, developing new curriculum, training teachers, fundraising, and conducting community outreach. Volunteering with DEF provides an opportunity to join a dedicated group of exceptional people inspired by a wonderful cause.
To find out more about how your interests and skills could be put to use, CONTACT US to join the Decision Education Initiative.
DEF relies on a team of exceptional volunteers to support our small professional staff to further our mission of bringing decision skills to youth. DEF volunteers are teachers and students, academics and business people, executives and social workers, teenagers and retirees. Many have devoted their professional lives to the study and implementation of good decision practices.
2023 Kuno Huisman
2022 Sarah Eads
2021 Ben Kitoko
2020 Hugh McElveen
2019 Phil Beccue
2018 Brian Putt
2017 Anne Dilinger
2016 Waleed Dirani
2015 Nathan Proudfoot
2014 Frank Koch
2013 Dana Luco
2012 Michael Fisher
2011 Nancy Golden
2010 R. Kenneth Wolfe
2023 Edith Gomez Navarette
2022 Julie Cain
2021 Dave Ungrady
2020 Cindy Bandow &
2020 Cameron Bittle
2019 Amanda Dobberpuhl
2018 Liz Henderson
2017 Carrie Brumbach
2016 Kendal Rachuy
2015 Amy Stranieri
2014 Tim Adkins