Himalayan Decision 1 & 2

Stuck in the Himalayas: How Decision Education helped a group of teenagers get unstuck

This two-part decision scenario is a good way to introduce the Decision Chain. Students watch the first video, break out into groups, and decide what they would do in that situation. Then they learn about decision-making, by watching Decision Focus video #1 on the Decision Chain. They can then discuss how they might improve their decision based on what they learned before watching what the trekkers really did.

The Himalayan Story Part One

This video presents a decision situation faced by a group of students from the Riekes Center trekking in Nepal. As the students hike to the town of Manang to visit foreign students, a flood prevents them from continuing to their goal. The students face a decision on what to do in this situation. See the conclusion in The Himalayan Decision: Part Two video.

The Himalayan Story Part Two

This video presents the conclusion to a decision situation faced by a group of students from the Riekes Center trekking in Nepal. As the students hike to the town of Manang to visit foreign students, a flood prevents them from continuing to their goal. The students face a decision on what to do in this situation. See the beginning in The Himalayan Decision: Part One video.

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Lesson Plan: The Himalayan Decision Part 1
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RL Lesson Plan Himalayan Decision Part 2

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RL Worksheet Himalayan Decision Part 2