Antwon - Sports vs Studies

How Decision Education helped a struggling student find his path for success

A Decision Scenario: Football, Fun, or School?

A talented football player, facing academic challenges and opportunities for trouble, receives support in making a crucial decision to go to boarding school far from home. Looking back from his future, Antwon tells the story of how, at age 12, he made a life-changing choice using Decision Quality.

Use the curriculum to learn concepts and tools Antwon used:

  • Explore Frames and Values and the tradeoffs between fun/excitement, education, and athletics.
  • Using Information and Reasoning, understand the probability associated with playing professional football and use a Decision Tree to evaluate alternatives and outcomes.

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Lesson Plan: Antwon's Frame
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Lesson Plan: Antwon's Frame

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RL Lesson Plan Antwon's Frame

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Worksheet: Antwon's Probability Tree
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Worksheet: Antwon's Probability Tree

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RL Worksheet Antwon Probability Tree