Evidence of value

DEF has formal evidence that our programs improve student outcomes.

Study Shows Decision Skills Training Improves Academic Learning and Decision Making Competence

Sophomores who learned Decision Skills in US History scored better on tested academic learning (NAEP US History Questions) and Decision Making Competence, a measure associated with better life outcomes.

StrongStart Bridge Program Improves Grades and Units Earned

DEF's StrongStart program transitions students from middle school to high school, giving them skills and tools for empowerment and self-efficacy in decision making.

What Teachers Have To Say

Joe Robusto

New Fairfield, CT

DEF is like a breath of fresh air.

DEF, you are amazing! I have never been set up like this before. You truly are making my job easy and the feedback from just the first assignment has been so positive. This is perfect.

Liz Thompson

Junction City, OR

Based on our prior DEF experiences, I was confident using decision skills to organize our 9th grade success class would work well. That the teachers had such positive responses, especially about the value of strengthened relationships with the students, was a welcome surprise.

Krin Hunt

Elmira, OR

I delivered the StrongStart program this past summer and it was an all-around great experience. DEF prepared me with content training, easy-to-follow curriculum, and activity materials. The students all started their school year with more confidence in themselves and the beginnings of friendships that have endured into the first semester. I highly recommend this program to other teachers and schools.

Lianna Scholz

Lakewood, CO

This semester, we implemented a decision making process into our economics course utilizing the Decision Education Foundation's decision chain. Students were eager to go through the process as they considered their life after high school and the big decisions they were facing. The DEF's resources made this implementation smooth and the relevance of each link clear. We were able to take the respective steps of the chain in turn and make them relevant for the individual and their personal decision. Rating each of the links and focusing upon the weakest for improvement allowed students to strengthen the quality of their decision. The resources were very applicable to this course which we like to call "Adulting 101." I look forward to using these resources in the future and more fully integrating into with economics curriculum.

Kelly Mousel

Sigourney, Iowa

This semester, we implemented a decision making process into our economics course utilizing the Decision Education Foundation's decision chain. Students were eager to go through the process as they considered their life after high school and the big decisions they were facing. The DEF's resources made this implementation smooth and the relevance of each link clear. We were able to take the respective steps of the chain in turn and make them relevant for the individual and their personal decision. Rating each of the links and focusing upon the weakest for improvement allowed students to strengthen the quality of their decision. The resources were very applicable to this course which we like to call "Adulting 101." I look forward to using these resources in the future and more fully integrating into with economics curriculum.

What Administrators Have To Say


I'm working on improving the stability of my decision-making. The decision chain process was recommended by a colleague as a way to learn a more methodical approach that still allows for innovation and open thinking. From what I've read so far, it not only improves the process, but even encourages open thinking while refining the decision. Thank you!

Sumner McCallie

Chattanooga, TN

"We invited Chris to speak to our entire faculty and staff- 170 strong. He provided a process with a vocabulary that will allow us to be consistent as we talk with our students about any kind of challenge they face, from peer relationships, to college choice, to life paths. Chris masterfully engaged our faculty, using small group discussions, simple demonstration games, personal but always relevant stories, and quieter reflection time. I am convinced that, as a school, we are in a better position to speak into the lives of our students, helping them work through specific issues they may raise, but more importantly helping them develop a decision process they will use for the rest of their lives.

Chris does his research. Not only did he intimately know the extensive work of DEF (and could effortlessly share it in understandable, relatable, personal terms), but he had taken time to get to know our school by reading school website material carefully, calling several times to clarify exactly how the presentation would fit into our in-service plans, and then engaging faculty throughout the session to shape and mold the material to perfectly address our questions and needs. His accurate read on his audience and his smooth flexibility with his presentation were themselves a wonderful model for our faculty."



As Education Director of AtentaMente Consultores I had the immense task to design the syllabus and lessons for a program on Social and Emotional Learning Skills that is being implemented national wide in High Schools in Mexico. The "decision chain model" and all the materials of the Decision Education Foundation were extremely useful for developing these lessons. The resources are clear, age appropriate and very practical. I am deeply grateful with the DEF team for they incredible work and for sharing it openly with others. I am sure it will benefit many young people.

What Students Have to Say

Multiple Students

Stanford, CA

I just need to say...THE BEST CLASS I HAVE HAD in my entire life."

"It was engaging and fun. I learned a lot of things I can use in my everyday life."​

"I found the workshop well planned and prepared and really entertaining and engaging."

Jessica Morales

Redwood City, CA

My name is Jessica Morales and I was exposed to the Decision Making Science when I was going to start my junior year of high school. Knowing how to make a good decision, regardless of the outcome was important at such a crucial time in my life. Through the help and curriculum of the Decision Education Foundation, I was able to make decisions that bettered my life and hopefully those around me.

East View High School Students

Georgetown, TX

Student comments about the Decision Focus video series and the accompanying workbook:

  • "It will help me plan out my goals for college and help me accomplish them without procrastinating."
  • ​​"I liked how it showed me many different ways to figure out my thought process, don't fall into what you think is right without looking at all the info, and how to help prioritize everything."​​
  • "I liked the different examples being used and I liked how it was easy to understand."​​
  • "It was fun to watch and engage in."​​
  • "That it explains when making a decision focuses on your values and you should put your doubts on hold."​​
  • "I liked it all because it taught me a lot of different things I can use in life not just for school."​​
  • "Helps me with everyday life activities."​​
  • "The one [video] that helps you calculate better decisions actually helped me."​​
  • "I didn't like the truth of the matter. I spend too much time on my phone and it is apparent that I'm making that a priority when I should make other things a priority."


Stanford University, Stanford CA

I've been using your materials as a refresher before making a significant medical decision.  I took the Decision Analysis class at Stanford, but it was way back in 2005, when I was an undergraduate.  So your materials have been an indispensable refresher.


Portland, OR

Hi! My name is Niomi Pavlock, I am a senior now at Lincoln High Schoolin Portland, Oregon. Luckily sophomore year, I was given the opportunity onbehalf of my AVID teacher Blair Hennessy and the DEF foundation to teachincoming freshmen about what this foundation is and how to make healthydecisions in order to benefit the quality of their lives. I wanted to say thiswas a very very awesome experience, I absolutely loved teaching youth aboutDEF. I noticed that on the first day, not only did we make the summer camp afun experience for the kids, but we noticed how they realized how important making decisions are and how they applied the material now to their everyday lives. I also think this camp and foundation is beneficial in another way, on the first day- no one knew each other. They were all strangers. But on the second to last day, they all became friends, and to this day I see some of themwalking together in the halls and hanging out.