Consider Possible Alternatives when Problem-Solving
Episode 5
The quality of a decision is limited by the alternatives we consider.
Don't get stuck in the trap of "Either I do A, or I do B". An example might be "Either I quit my job, or I stay". The Either vs. Or way of thinking is a trap. Why not creatively consider doing both? How about a part of each choice? Is doing nothing an option? What about Alternative C or D or E? This lesson explores ways to creatively generate enough alternatives to allow you to truly understand the decision space and give you other options to consider.
- Explains how a decision can only be as good as the best alternative
- Demonstrates how imagining creative alternatives leads to the best and most optimized choice
- Questions to consider are:
- Is this likely to get me what I want?
- Is this reasonable?
- Would I really do it?
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Worksheet: Creative Alternatives Worksheet

Worksheet: Creative Alternatives Worksheet